Sunday, October 18, 2020

MBF Episode 287 - Dunning Kruger Effect

Danny and Big Debo are back to talk not knowing what they don't know, pennyfarthing, leaving Google reviews, how to draw a star, the grossest things they've ever seen, self pleasure with just your imagination, ! Join us for all this and so much more

MBF – Episode #287 - Dunning Kruger Effect.(mp3)

Monday, October 5, 2020

MBF Episode 286 - If He Dies...He Dies

Danny and Big Debo are back to talk about the President testing positive for coronavirus, the upcoming election, Jean Claude Van Damme movies, what they are most likely to go to prison for, would they do a digital upload after they die, and why Facebook is bad for you! Join us for all this and so much more

MBF – Episode #286 - If He Dies...He Dies.(mp3)